Support Group Structure

The support group will occur twice a month from 12:30PM to about 2:00 PM in the "Community Circle" at Clinic

Time Activity Content
12:30-12:45 Intros, check-ins Check in regarding goals that were brought up at prior meeting or with patient advocate
12:45-1:45 Group learning and/or discussion Group facilitators lead a discussion on a topic decided on by the group at the previous visit. * Handouts and other visual aids are to be used
1:45-2:00 Check Out Chose a group learning Topic for next time, and choose a goal to set for the next time based on the topic reviewed


  • Receive health information
  • Share their frustrations and accomplishments
  • Set goals to work toward next time
  • May bring family members

Patient Facilitator

  • Will introduce topics and promote discussions in the group
  • Will create a set of rules for the group that will be followed
  • Will act as liaison, telling our volunteers if there are things that Clinica can do differently

Volunteer Facilitators

  • Will be up-to-date on important diabetes topics so they can lead education efforts on them
  • Will maintain a collection of education resources and handouts to give to patients
  • think of innovative ways to educate about topics and elicit patient suggestions for doing so
  • hopefully bring food of some sort - just a light, simple snack